Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is Cheesecake Considered Fancy If It's On A Doiley?

Right so I joined that book club yes? And we have a meeting on the 23rd to discuss the book we are currently reading. The invite on facebook said 'Bring your "fanciest" snack!' First, allow me to inform you all...that I can not cook. I suck. I more than suck. I fare well if I have a direct step by step paint by the numbers recipe in front of me...but I know hardly anything offhand, and I can't just whip something up out of thin air. Second, bringing food to parties is like a paranoia of mine. "What if they don't like it?" "What if no one eats it and I look stupid?" "What if everyone is allergic to strawberries and I look like a huge jackass?" "When you bring a salad, are you supposed to bring dressings too?!" and so on and so on. So now you can understand my situation. I found this recipe for little mini cheesecakes that you make in mini muffin tins and they look really pretty when you top them with fresh fruit.

So that's my question...if I put them on a pretty little piece of white cloth...does that make cheesecake fancy?