Saturday, August 8, 2009

Another Random Networking Site

Who gets enough of these things? Not I. A facebook, a twitter, a shutterfly account, and now an official blog....are you sick of me yet, world? I doubt anyone will follow this so I'm not sure why I'm making one..a place to bitch I suppose. The whole JM thing is just soo old right now, most people don't blame me (which is great) but I know a few do and that sucks. I'm still surprised at the magnitude of the whole situation. "Oh my god, she asked about a tattoo.......Fuck you guys, I'm not posting here anymore." I am sorry about the whole thing but really, the extent that it's come to is just bullshit. Blah, blah, blah bullshit. Politics is the last thing that needs to be thrown around in a place like that.

Onto other things....oh wait, I have no things. I. Never. Leave. The. House. When is this kid going to be old enough to DO anything? Babies are like to look at but they don't really do anything. Nic starts prototype in a week so at least I'll have the car from now on, but still...where can you really take a 6 month old? Most of the military wives/moms around here are not only older than me they also have no fucking senses of humor......why's it so hard to find someone that appreciates sarcasm these days!!?!?! So, no..I'm not anti-social, I just don't like you.

1 comment:

  1. sarcasm... love it! and I agree, I am so over JM right now... what a bunch of CRAP!!!
